Maine > Ice Fishing Maine

how are the edges?


looking to go tomorrow--wondering how the edges are after all this sun and mild weather. Anyone who was out today could respond, thanks


--- Quote from: minnowman on Mar 22, 2005, 08:34 AM ---looking to go tomorrow--wondering how the edges are after all this sun and mild weather. Anyone who was out today could respond, thanks

--- End quote ---

I've fished a lot in the Augusta area, most recent trip was Sunday.  No signs of trouble yet.  The nights are still getting down to 20* or lower, plus no warm rains yet.  Should see us through till 3/31.

Jim C.

I fished Damariscotta Lake on Sunday and the edges were for the most part fine.  As the day warmed up, there were some really soft spots that you could sink into 5-6 inches (on points) but you could easily see those spots.
There was still about 2 feet of ice but the ice is definately changing, kinda getting punky, but still strong enough for vehicles as there were trucks driving all over the place. 8)

Happy fishing, not much time left on the ice!  We are heading out for one last trip on Thursday to Long Pond in Belgrade to see if the pike are willing to bite. :tipup:

After I posted, I realized I should add that the top 6" or so of the 22" ice stack was soft in the PM near the outlet from Tilton Pond in Fayette. That's all I found to note.

Be careful around the rocks when the sun comes out.  Right JR. ;D


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